Corporate Leaders and their Parties Visited Key Customers before the Spring Festival

With the upcoming Spring Festival, corporate top management including Lu Dong, Xiang Wenwu, Xiao Gang, Qi Guosheng and Sang Jinghua visited respectively our key customers in South China Sales, Jingling Petrochemical, Tianjin Petrochemical, Dalian Hengli and Shengrun Group. During their visit, they expressed their wishes for the coming year, communicated on project situations and expressed their aspiration for offering premium-quality service for clients and promoting jointly execution of projects with them. Most of the clients appreciated highly the service and assistance provided by the company and expected continued support and more functions from the company.

In the meantime, corporate top management also made a regard-extending tour to subsidiaries including SEI, LPEC, Nanjing Engineering Co, No 4 Construction Co, No 5 Construction Company and Heavy Lifting & Transportation Co.

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